Sunday, 27 May 2012

Final Humour Project

Final Humour Project



Why is it funny?

We used comedy of ideas along with comedy of manners in order to make our memes

funny. Our memes were comedy of ideas because we used satire. We came up with some

situations that we face in our everyday life, making them seem like it has a big impact on our

lives. In reality, we were mocking the way how, when put under a microscope, the problems 

actually seem pathetic. We used comedy of manners by mocking those who are wealthy and 

well off and their laughable problems. When they are dissected, it is seen that they are so 

minuscule compared to those living in developing countries which struggle with life-affecting 

problems, such as poverty and hunger. It seem horrendous and unpleasant. There are many 

people around the world who struggle to feed themselves and their families, and everyday, 

they have to worry about how they are going to survive the next day, the day after that, and 

so on. On the other hand, we live such a carefree life, having more than enough necessities 

and many luxuries, yet we still complain about the smallest things in our lives that make us 

feel the slightest bit of discomfort. We thought it would be especially funny for us because we 

can relate to these situations, although not as exaggerated. We can compare our everyday 

problems with the problems of people that are not as fortunate as us, and see how ridiculous 

some of the things we complain about are. Using satire, we mock how stubborn and self 

centered some people who live in this world are, and how they should feel more appreciative 

of how lucky they are to live in such a nice place.

Bill’s Reflection on this Project

Overall, I found the project very fun, especially because I did it with my friend. I found it 

extremely hard to think of what we should do, as I always do. We kept pitching in ideas, and 

we would agree and disagree. We would agree on an idea, but we would just change it right 

away, and repeat that multiple times. After chatting and skyping with each other, we finally 

decided on making the “first world problem” memes. Before we thought of this, we were 

planning to do a rage comic, but we changed to this because we could include both comedy 

of ideas and comedy of manners, and it would take much less time. When we decided on 

making memes, immediately waves of ideas came rushing into my head, and in just a few 

minutes, we were already done making our memes. 

As we were trying to come up with ideas, we had a lot of fun. The majority of the ideas 

that we pitched in were inappropriate for school, so that was where we were having the most 

problem with. We would check some sites for “inspiration” through the whole classes, and 

came up with nothing. We talked about it at lunch, but we ended up getting off topic, and 

saying things completely irrelevant or inappropriate. So we eventually ended up getting our 

idea two days before the due date. We started working on the memes quickly, which barely 

took any time. I found coming up with an idea much harder than I expected, and it got me 

panicking a little on the inside, but everything came through for us, and we ended up coming 

up with what I think are very funny and witty memes.

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